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Why you shouldn’t fear losing the real estate deal

Most agents will agree that losing a deal they’ve worked hard to put together is never fun. Sometimes though, it can almost feel like a higher power is at work and a failed deal can truly save the day. Here are three examples of how it can all work out just fine.

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The befuddled state of today’s real estate technology

There’s much hype about technology in the real estate industry, but are real estate agents even using the technology available to them properly? Does the use of technology result in more sales? Will the company with the best technology win? And if so, what will they win? So many unanswered questions about agent tech — let’s dive in.

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WATCH: How to work (and own) seller leads on a team

A potential client reaches out and specifically wants to work with the team lead. How do you distribute listing leads in this case, and how do you build trust with the seller? Find out from Northrop Realty’s Creig Northrop, who does this flawlessly with his 2,000 lead calls per year.