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The Block 2020 episode 5 recap: Jasmin breaks down while Jimmy and Tam live the high life

It’s only week two of The Block 2020, but Jasmin is already beginning to regret her decision to enter.

She’s still stung by the criticism from the judges which saw her and husband Luke come last in week one, with a guest bedroom that was pretending to be in a modern home as opposed to the 1910s weatherboard they’re actually renovating.

RELATED: Episode 4 recap: Judges slam room as “a crying shame”

‘So two years ago’: boring Block room slammed

“I’m mourning my Block experience,” she says sobbing. “I wanted to come on this show and do something I love. I didn’t want to come on this show and be pigeonholed into something.”

Guest bathroom week is only compounding her anxiety.

Clutching a photograph of a drab 1910s bathroom, featuring white on white on white, a (oh the horror) shower curtain and no storage, she has to bypass the tiles she really wants for something the judges won’t slam as not in keeping with the era.

Jasmin breaks down

Jasmin is mourning her broken Block expectations.

“It’s hard because I can’t really do what I want to do. We thought they would want a nod to the era, but it seems like they want a really vigorous headshake — they want a headbang,” she says.

Still, at least there was indoor plumbing by the 1910s, and they don’t have to install a long-drop.

The pair are raising their ceiling, which will likely get them a tick from the judges, but have chosen a fluted glass shower screen, despite knowing it isn’t reflective of the 1910s, which could see them right back where they started in week one.

Father and daughter team Harry and Tash, who have the smallest bathroom, are in worse trouble. Tash’s inability to make a final decision on tiles is bad, but it’s Harry’s inability to find a tiler that’s really setting them back.

Sensing blood in the water, Keith and Dan are in like a shot, heckling Harry about how far behind he is and reeling off a terrifying list of all the things he needs to get done.

Jimmy and Tam enjoy lunch at the Gaggenau showroom

While the other teams are in hell, Jimmy and Tam are enjoying the “poshest” dinner they’ve ever had.

Jimmy and Tam are in a very different world. A world of fine dining and five star service at the Gaggenau showroom. They’re there to pick the $120,000 worth of appliances they won last week, and with a single fridge costing $16,000 (“that’s worth more than my car,” Tam says), they’ll probably burn through it pretty quickly.

But first, a French chef serves up what Jimmy calls “the most posh dinner I’ve ever been to”.

Even better, their carpenter Jay earns high praise from Keith for his complex sloping sub-floor, and it gets the tick of approval.

Keith and Dan have this year banned screeds (a mix of sand and concrete used to make sloping floors that allow water to drain away), telling contestants they instead have to use angled timber batons instead. And it all has to be signed off by Keith and Dan before sheeting can begin.

Given the number of times this fact is reiterated in this episode I’d be putting money on at least one team going ahead without that crucial tick.

Sarah and George are struggling with their layout. Knowing how much judge Shaynna Blaze hates seeing a toilet in bathrooms, they’re trying to work out a way to tuck it away so the throne isn’t front and centre.

They come up with a nib wall concept “so you can drop a deuce in private” George says.

I suspect Shaynna would have preferred they put the loo in the middle of the room than hear that particular phrase.

George tries to work out the layout of his bathroom

George ponder the best place to “drop a deuce”.

SA farmers Daniel and Jade have chosen floor to ceiling large format marble tiles for their bathroom, a nod to the 1930s, but Jade is wracked with self-doubt.

“I’m a hairdresser, I’m a mum, this is not what I do,” she says.

“We’ve never had the luxury of building a bathroom like this,” Daniel confirms.

The pair are mired in debt thanks to the devastating drought which has left their remote outback property a dust bowl, so a little bit of indecision over tiles takes on a little more meaning for them.

But it could be worse. They could be Tam, heading off with a long shopping list written by her plumber husband Jimmy.

“Basin?” she says. “What’s that?”


Episode 4 recap: Luke and Jasmin’s big stuff up

Episode 3 recap: ‘So two years ago’. Boring room slammed

Episode 2 recap: Which Block team got the best house?

Episode 1 recap: The tears start early on The Block 2020

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