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4 ways renting a home has become contactless during to COVID-19

Prior to the pandemic, leasing a home involved a lot of paperwork and back and forth – but the new age of moving means everything can be done from the comfort and safety of home. 

While online tools like digital application platform 1form already existed, the rental industry has pivoted to completely online processes as a result of COVID-19 social distancing rules, making the task of renting out a new home contactless.

1. Paperwork has gone completely online

Describing traditional property management as a paperwork nightmare, head of property management at Code Property Group, Terrie Kineskin, said her office was already trying to streamline things but that the pandemic helped them realise they could do more to reduce paper waste.

“We are now 100% paperless in our office…that was our biggest change in that we converted everything to online.”

2. Inspections have gone digial

Open for inspections have also changed dramatically since the health pandemic hit in mid-March.

In the early days of the health crisis, the number of people allowed into a property during an inspection was limited in most states and territories, but inspections became available by private appointment only as restrictions tightened.

Currently, in Melbourne, home inspections are banned completely under stage 4 lockdown rules, meaning they can only be done digitally. Elsewhere in the country, there are limits around social distancing and strict personal hygiene protocol needs to be followed.

“We’ve been using digital inspections long before COVID… and what it is is an effective pre-screening tool and post-COVID it will continue to be an effective pre-screening tool,” said Sam Nokes, Head of Department – Property Manager Jellis Craig in Melbourne.

“I think it’s great, it saves our agents from unnecessarily having to attend properties, which not only improves business efficiency but for the customer, they’re not viewing properties that may not meet their needs.”

Digital inspections will be the new norm for leasing, especially in Victoria. Picture:

But while digital inspections have been a useful tool in the COVID-19 environment, they will never be as thorough as the real thing, according to Real Estate Institute of Victoria president, Leah Calnan. 

“[Melbourne’s] rental market will absolutely be impacted if we are unable to conduct private one-on-one inspections. While the option of virtual inspections is great, there are very few tenants that agree to sign leases and move into a property without having seen it in person,” Ms Calnan explains.

Mr Nokes added that until more clarity is provided by the Victorian Government about whether or not an agent can physically attend a property to film a virtual inspection under stage 4 restrictions, they will not even be producing new digital inspections and will instead rely on pre-existing videos. 

“We’re not creating any new digital inspections, but in saying that we’ve got some properties under a break lease situation and some properties where the landlord is occupying them, so we’re doing FaceTime calls and whoever is residing in the property is doing the walk around and allowing tenants to join in, that way nobody is actually leaving the property,” he said.

Digital inspections also have some potential legal pitfalls, given that faults in a property might not be apparent on camera, said chief executive of Tenants Union Victoria, Jennifer Beveridge.

“There are risks in taking a property without viewing it in person, but it may be the only option for some people while stage 4 restrictions are in place,” Ms Beveridge said. 

“It’s really important that renters always be aware of their rights. If they move into a property, which they didn’t see in person and later find it needs repairs, then they are entitled to, and the landlord is obliged to, ask for the repairs to be undertaken. This is so even while stage 4 restrictions are in place.”

3. Contactless removalists and cleaners

Even under the strictest of social distancing measures, removalists and cleaners are still classed as an essential service for those who are moving. In Melbourne, tenants are allowed to move home if they had arrangements in place before the stage 4 lockdown came into effect.

Many removalists and cleaning companies are now advertising a completely contactless service to protect the health and safety, not only of their staff but of tenants.

Companies such as popular removalist, Man With a Van, and Melbourne Vacate Cleaning have new guidelines for customers to follow to ensure their entire move excludes human-to-human contact.

Moving in can be quite exhausting.

The Victorian Government has flagged that moving house will still be allowed for some under stage 4 restrictions. Picture: Getty

These include tenants isolating in another room while the removalists do their work, leaving the front door open or a key outside the door so the removalists can gain entry, labelling all items and cleaning of high-touch areas including doorknobs and surfaces of furniture.

4. Contactless key handover

For tenants who have signed a new lease, or are ending their lease, keys will need to be exchanged between property manager and tenant.

This will move forward without contact either through lockboxes, post, or leaving the key in a safe place for the receiving individual to collect.

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