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3 essentials of building great technology

Jerry Modes has built an amazing career on using tech to solve problems and elevate the customer experience. Modes is an IT/data visionary who co-founded two wildly successful startups: Teradata, which was later acquired by AT&T, and HyperParallel, a platform that touches almost all shoppers.

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A luxury real estate agent’s summer checklist

Summer is peak season for just about everything in the Northern Hemisphere, and luxury real estate is no exception. Real estate deals don’t close overnight, and the relaxed pace of summer can create breathing room for today’s busy homebuyer. Clients are finally free to begin the search for their next property, letting the brighter days inspire their search for the perfect home.

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Call, text or email: what’s the best way to communicate with your client?

In real estate, effective communication is crucial, and smart agents take their client’s needs into consideration when choosing the best contact methods. In a competitive market where homes move quickly, adopting newer, faster methods of communication is essential in winning and retaining each client, especially if that customer is a millennial.

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Turn your listings into a social media lead magnet

In the olden days, the average real estate customer journey was a nice, easy-to-understand shape. A funnel. A line. Not anymore. Today, it’s a spiral inside a maze. And your marketing to today’s home buyer and seller has more avenues than it ever has before.