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Lesson Learned: Work your game plan

In this weekly column, real estate agents across the nation share stories of the lessons they’ve learned during their time in the industry. This week, Houston real estate broker Doris Snipp.

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Why is it so hard to make the transaction seamless?

Brad Inman had two words for the discussion group that I was part of at Disconnect 2019. “Think bigger,” he told us. The group included leaders from all over the real estate industry, and Endpoint facilitated the discussion. Our particular challenge was to explore what exactly an on-demand, certain and seamless transaction means in both today’s real estate world and five years from now.

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Above and beyond: how 3 real estate leaders earned a referral

As a customer, there’s nothing better than when someone goes above and beyond for you. It might be at the grocery store, the doctor’s office, or the bank. The location doesn’t matter. What matters is that when people genuinely care about what’s best for you and strive to make you happy, it’s a great feeling — so great, you’ll probably tell people you know about it.

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The race is on for real estate web APIs

After a period of slow adoption of Web APIs in real estate, there’s finally been a turning point in the industry. This is good news for tech-conscious brokers, their vendors, and the MLSs who have long known that Web APIs offer a faster, more secure and more modern way to manage data in the real estate industry.